지구촌 소식/핫이슈,화제

집단예배 강행한 미국 목사, 코로나19로 사망

태을핵랑 2020. 4. 18. 22:31

코로나19로 미국에서 사망한 목사가 이번이 두 번째군요~~

*첫번째 사망☞ "하나님 믿으면 면역 생긴다"던 미국 목사님도 코로나19로 사망


집단예배 강행한 미국 목사, 코로나19로 사망

박찬화 승인 2020.04.17 14:07


<관련영상> Pastor Dies from COVID-19 After Blasting Social Distancing Measures | NowThis

게시일: 2020. 4. 15.

This pastor died from COVID-19 just weeks after advising his congregants to ignore social distancing measures and attend church.
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In US news and current events today, Bishop Gerald Glenn, Pastor of the New Deliverance Evangelistic Church died from the coronavirus after telling his church to ignore social distancing orders. He died on April 11 at the age of 66. His death was announced the following morning, during Easter Sunday service.

For the latest coronavirus news and COVID-19 updates, subscribe to NowThis News.

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*영상출처: https://youtu.be/VWcajDiGAq0


미국 버지니아 주의 비숍 제랄드 O. 글렌 목사. 그는 3주 전 집회 금지에 반발하였고 "나는 하나님이 저 역병보다 더 대단하다고 굳게 믿는다 I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus"라며  자신이 감옥이나 병원에 가는 한이 있어도 예배할 거라고 교회 집회를 강행했다.

비숍 목사(66세)는  4월 11일 코로나19로 인해 사망했다. 

그리고 그의 딸은 인터뷰에서 "everyone should stay home." 모두 제발 집에 있으라고 호소했다. 

박찬화  multikorean@hanmail.net

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